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Plastic straws - straws 7 x 280mm NEON - 250 pcs (reusable)

Pastel straws - MIX colours - 250 pcs for reuse.

Detailed Product Description
We have in stock 2 pcs
8.12 € 6.71 € excl. VAT
Plastic straws - straws 7 x 280mm NEON - 250 pcs (reusable)
Plastic straws - straws 7 x 280mm NEON - 250 pcs (reusable)
Availability: We have in stock 2 pcs
Price: 8.12 €

Pastel straws - MIX colours - 250 pcs for reuse.

Pastel straws - MIX colours - 250 pcs

Going to a party full of great drinks? Want to add a new dimension to your mixed drinks? Then these plastic straws are the perfect accessory for you. Our plastic straws are suitable for mixed drinks, cocktails and other refreshing treats. In the pack you will find 250 straws available in pastel colours (purple, pink, orange, yellow, green, light blue).

Choose our plastic straws and enjoy a pleasant drink with the perfect accessory. They are durable, reusable and affordable at the same time. Contribute to the environment and enjoy your drinks with the right style. Order today and try our pastel plastic straws!

Add style and fun to your refreshing drinks with our pastel plastic straws. They'll add a new dimension to your drinks and create an unforgettable atmosphere at any party. Order today and get ready for a great drink experience!

Why choose our plastic straws?

  • Superior quality: our straws are made from a combination of polypropylene and TRITAN Copolyester, which gives them a higher hardness and resistance to mechanical damage compared to conventional disposable straws.
  • Reusable: our straws are reusable, which helps to protect the environment. You can easily wash and reuse them for your next party or event.
  • Safe and recyclable: all our straws meet European regulations for products that come into contact with food. They are both safe for direct food contact and 100% recyclable.
  • The mix of pastel colours of the straws adds a fun and stylish element to your drinks. Choose the right colour to suit your mood and the atmosphere of the event.


Are straws dishwasher safe?

Yes, our straws are dishwasher tested and dishwasher safe. They have been tested for up to 125 wash cycles according to EN 12875-1:2005, ensuring their longevity with regular use.

Do the straws contain the harmful substance BPA (bisphenol A)?

No, our straws do not contain BPA (bisphenol A) or any other harmful compounds. They are safe for direct contact with food and can be used with confidence.

How do our plastic straws compare to paper straws?

Our plastic straws offer several advantages over paper straws. They are more durable and stronger, which means they won't easily break or dissolve in your drink. Plus, they're reusable, which helps reduce waste and protect the environment. Plus, an unpopular feature - steam straws dissolving in your drink or mouth? That's over!

Why choose our plastic straws instead of stainless steel straws?

Plastic straws are lighter and more comfortable to use than stainless steel straws. They are also safe for children as they are not hard and do not cause injury during use. In addition, our plastic straws are more affordable and offer the same functionality and style as stainless steel straws.

How do our plastic straws compare to disposable straws?

Our plastic straws are designed as a reusable alternative to disposable straws. They are made from a combination of polypropylene and TRITAN Copolyester, giving them greater durability and hardness compared to disposable straws. While disposable straws may be practical for single use, our plastic straws offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.



This product is included in: Brčka, slámky
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Jak funguje Garance bezplatného vrácení zboží? 

  • Pokud reklamujete (např. poškozené zboží) - nejprve si prosím vytiskněte a vyplňte tento reklamační protokol - reklamace se řídí mj. reklamačním řádem
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My vám mailem zašleme zpětný lístek do Zásilkovny, ten pak nalepte na zásilku a doneste do nejbližšího místa osobního odběru. Jejich seznam najdete zde. Balíček s nalepeným lístkem jednoduše přineste a na naše náklady jej dopravíme k nám do centrálního skladu. 

Po doručení zboží (obvykle do týdne), vám zasíláme nové zboží nebo peníze na účet napsaný na vámi zaslaném formuláři. 

V případě, že nechcete využít služby Garance bezplatného vrácení výrobku, zašlete prosím zásilku na adresu:

PNM International s.r.o.
U1 - Průmyslový park Karviná
Závodní 540/51
735 06 Karviná - Nové Město

Tel pro kurýra/poštu: 603 33 77 55

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